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Second author: Clarence Ricafrente
First author: Francis Maynard G. Autor
Email Address:
"DENGVAXIA" Faking the treatment
by: Francis Maynard Autor
Dengvaxia has been a huge issue around Philippines recently, why though? It has brought bad things and cost a lot. It made things go from bad to worse.
Money=wasted. Dengue Fever not even solved. Innocent Children’s death. Parents Mad.
Ever since the infamous Dengvaxia Vaccine showed up a lot of things has changed .
It never solved anything , instead it did the exact opposite of its reason why it was bought.
It cost a lot of money, made things worse as time passes, it never did it’s job.
It never solved the Dengue Fever caused by mosquitoes and it never gave out even one good result.
The only good news about it is what they have read and it never even worked,
now innocent children die because of getting vaccinated by this vaccine.
At first they think it worked but look at what happened, their lives was taken.
Now Parents of some deceased children rallies over the government of what happened to their child.
Another is this recent Sanofi issue that involves the Dengvaxia issue, that says they are aware that Denvaxia is a threat since 2015 but they didn't even tell Philippines about it.
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